I was sitting here this morning writing a new pen pal back. I am not sure if this penpalship is going to make it or not. She wrote me first and I was responding. In her letter she said she was a born again Christian and what was my relationship with Jesus. Uh-oh Now we have problem. I have issues with organized religion. I personally don’t give a rat’s ass in Hades what your Religious beliefs are or if the case, not. Settle down don’t get your panties in a bunch. I strongly believe that everyone has to right to believe in whatever faith/religion/God(s) they choose. Or not have one. I DO have a problem with someone shoving their beliefs down my throat.So, we will wait and see how this goes.
Speaking of problems I think that I am heading towards another manic episode. I feel like I am not connected to people around me. I don’t know how else to explain it. I was sitting here (as if I would be doing anything else at this point) and I was just letting my wonder aimlessly. I glanced at the clock and two hours had gone by. It felt like it was just a couple minutes. I guess that's another wait and see what happens.
I have several reviews to type up. Look for them this coming up week. I am also looking at giving Chronicles a new look. See you all later. If you can’t be good then be good at it. Jenster Out.