Sunday, August 25, 2013

Weekend Update

I was sitting here this morning writing a new pen pal back. I am not sure if this penpalship is going to make it or not. She wrote me first and I was responding. In her letter she said she was a born again Christian and what was my relationship with Jesus. Uh-oh Now we have problem.  I have issues with organized religion. I personally don’t give a rat’s ass in Hades what your Religious beliefs are or if the case, not. Settle down don’t get your panties in a bunch. I strongly believe that everyone has to right to believe in whatever faith/religion/God(s) they choose. Or not have one. I DO have a problem with someone shoving their beliefs down my throat.So, we will wait and see how this goes.
   Speaking of problems I think that I am heading towards another manic episode. I feel like I am not connected to people around me. I don’t know how else to explain it. I was sitting here (as if I would be doing anything else at this point) and I was just letting my wonder aimlessly. I glanced at the clock and two hours had gone by. It felt like it was just a couple minutes. I guess that's another wait and see what happens.
 I have several reviews to type up. Look for them this coming up week. I am also looking at giving Chronicles a new look. See you all later. If you can’t be good then be good at it. Jenster Out.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Getting outside your comfort zone

How are all you fabulous people today? I haven't been around for a couple days and I have missed you guys. Hopefully one day you will talk back to me. :) As I type this the power is out. Apparently my family does not know what  to do with selves without all of their electronics. I can already tell you we will be lucky to make it through this without blood being shed. Too many personalty shoved in one place with nothing to do but annoy whomever is next to you. At least that is what seems like to me. Since I can't walk(yet) I can not run away. They tend to converge next to me. As I am typing this (pretending I am doing something uber important) I have five people staring at me. Plus I can hear everything that the other four are saying and doing. Along with the tick tock of the clock. Freakin' eerie.
   I caught a little of  the news this morning about Google G-Mail not being private. People are outraged. First off I just automatically assume that everything I do on the internet isn't private. I even use a prepaid card to make all of my online purchases. I learnt that lesson the hard way. The internet is a good thing in many ways. Its knowledge at our fingerprints. Keeping in contact of people that otherwise you wouldn't be able too. It comes in handy for those of us for whatever reason is barricaded in our homes. :) Then on the other side its a breeding ground for people with dubious morals. It makes it easier for those depraved individuals to prey on our children. It makes it easier to become victims of Identity theft. Its just like everything else, you get the bad along with the good.
  I find that also stands true concerning books. I have been reading a lot of Indie books lately. You can find lots of  them on Amazon ranging anywhere from Free to 3.99. I have found in the Fantasy genre there is A LOT of young adult books. I personally do not want to read about a 16 year old being in love with a 200 hundred plus year old "monster". Or how the fate of the world depends on an orphan girl who only wants to be with her crush. Insert eye roll here. I suppose it wouldn't be too bad if there wasn't a gazillion of the out there. Its mostly those that are in the Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Genre. I suppose the Paranormal Romance is full of them. I try to stay away from those in general.
 Sometimes I like to read something that is different from what I normally read. I have found some good books that way. The main problem with doing that is because I have to finish what I start. In everything. If I start a book I have to finish it,even if I don't like it. Although I do have an exception,if it makes reading the book to feel like a chore I quit. I think there has only been two or three that I simply could not finish it. What about you? When do you call it quits? Do you ever try to read outside your "comfort zone?"

 I am surrounded yet again by people and cats so I bid you farewell till next time.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Poppin' my beta-reading cherry!

 I'm doing my VERY first beta-read! Yes ma'am/sir I am finally poppin' my beta-reading cheery. I am so super excited about it!! Yah! I am also very nervous. I already read the book and now I am gonna go re-read and make my notes. The book was a whole lighter than I normally read. Ya know what I mean? I tend to like my books gritty and dark. Not always but in the genre it is in I do. I found myself rolling my eyes several times. This author also has another series ( the main character is both books are siblings) which I do like (even though its a lighter read too) made a guest appearance in this one. As of now anyway. Anyone got any advice for me? Comment or shoot me an email at 
  My daughter finally enrolled in college. She is doing a mostly online thing. Which is still expensive as hell,if you ask me. Anyway she has finally decided on a major. Let us all cross our fingers and hope it makes her happy or at least content. What? Don't shake your head at me or do that deep sigh. I would be over the moon if my daughter was happy. Truly deeply ridiculously deliriously happy. I would be happy content as well. At least content is better than being unhappy or sad all the time. So, yeah content is something I can be content with as well.
  I promised I would watch a movie with my daughter and her friend once it got dark. Its not a little after dark so I guess I better go. I think we are going to watch the second GI Joe movie. Its got the Rock or Dwayne Johnson if you prefer, in the movie. Mandy, my daughter, really likes him. So, lets hope it doesn't suck. Later ya'll

Monday, August 5, 2013

It is what it is

 I am sorry for not posting the last couple of days. I know that I have some people that really do read what I post. Gasp! I know it makes me feel like I am accomplishing something. Yes, I know that sounds like an inflated ego but it was it is. That is my motto now "It what it is". I have been feeling a little, well I do not how to describe so lets just go with a bad case of the blahs on steroids. I try not to do the whole "why me" thing because why not me. I am no better than anyone else. That always irritates me when something bad happens to someone and they go on and on about why me? What did I do to deserve this? Well sweet pea why not you? What did you to deserve whatever it is that happened to you? More than likely not a damn thing. Fate is fickle bitch. I am sure you have all met her sister,Karma.
  Karma I am believer in karma. I think you get what you put in. No don't worry I am not gonna go on and on about it. Actually that is all I am gonna say about. I think that tells it all, don't you?
   I watched Repo! The Genetic Opera, a Rocky-Horror meets Blade Runner rock opera / movie musical. Its got its own cult following. I don't love this movie but I do like it. I think I like it cause its different. I like the grave robber. Hmmm I wonder what that says about me?I do know for a fact that I am getting cremated. Without a doubt. I mean its not like I will be needing it. Plus I have this issue with worms. I don't have nothing against them but I do not want to be a Jenster Buffet. At least not to worms ;).
   AAAAHHHH! I am having a difficult time concentrating today. So I will cut this short. Yes you are welcome.