Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Devil May Ride by Wendy Roberts--Book Review

Devil May Ride by Wendy Roberts is the second book in the Ghost Dusters Series.
                       Contains Small Spoilers

Sadie Novak can see and talk to the dead. Sadie runs Scene 2 Clean,a crime scene clean up company. She has Zack, an ex-cop,who she slept with in the last book. This book takes up a year after the first one. Zack has kept his distance from Sadie and she is confused. Then she hires Jackie who is younger and you know what is gonna happen with that..Sadie deals with meth dealing crazed bikers who thinks she stole 100 grand from them,devil worshipers and all her normal stuff she has to deal with on a daily basis. She is also dealing with pressure from her mother to help with Dawn, her sister, baby shower.She meets a ghost/spirit that causes her harm,more than the icky feeling she normal feels when she comes in contact with them.<br> Sadie finds out more about what caused her brother to commit suicide and how she ended up being able to see the dead after his death. For some reason I wasn't able to connect with Sadie this time around. Sadie seemed to do the same mistakes over and over again. She also seemed somewhat  distant to me. She worried too much about how she was perceived that it did make her seem cold. At least that is how I felt but I will read the next book.

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