Monday, September 30, 2013

Keeper's Watch By Cynthia Robert

I won Keeper's Watch here on Goodreads. I entered the contest because the blurb sounded interesting but I wasn't too sure if I would like it.I don't normally read many books where romance is a major part of the book as it is in Keeper's Watch. I finished reading it this morning. It turns out that I did like it and will be buy the next book in December. 
Detective Beth Hunter has worked for the Alta police department for several years so when she woke up to the sound of someone breaking into her home she thought she was prepared to face the intruder. When she discovered the would be burglar was FBI agent Jeremy Steele and when he told her that he was there looking for an artifact that her recently deceased Archaeologist had found. Beth has no clue what Jeremy is talking about and sends him on his way. Then Beth finds a riddle her father left and the adventure begins. At first she refuses Jeremy help but when it becomes obvious to her that she isn't going to be able to get rid of him so they team up to find the artifact her father hid.
There is romance,mystery,action,adventure,volcano,mountain climbing,car chases,mysterious bad guys,sci-fi scavenger hunt and when they find what they are searching for it is so much more than Beth had expected.
Ms. Roberts writing flows well and is smooth. Her descriptive details is excellent. 

However there is a couple things that bothered in a couple of the scenes Beth went from the strong,independent woman to cowering behind Jeremy. Another thing and its just one of my issues. Beth is described throughout the book as a redhead then near the end of the book someone compared her to having wheat colored hair. 

Keeper's Watch was a good book. I recommend it.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Common Sense and Facebook don't mesh

I just don't understand why people don't understand that when they put things on Facebook or other Social Media sites that everyone will see and read it. Even if you have your privacy settings for "only friends" or "only family" because someone in the group will tell, share or re-post your post. I don't get why they complain that their boss,neighbor,classmate and associate end whatever relationship they have with them. There is a reason its called Social Media. Really people if you call your boss names or post yourself getting hammered with no clothes on or making out with your neighbors boy/girlfriend what did you think would happen? That they would give critic on your making out skills? Give you a raise or promotion? Get upset because parents complain to your boss that they don't want someone that does drugs while humping someones leg half dressed? You're surprised? Really? I think that a lot of people lack common sense. They may be intelligent people and have this or that degree but when it comes to common sense, they do not have any at all.
    I was trolling around and I seen this post that when I read it I thought it was a teenager. So I checked the profile and it was 38 year old woman. Is it a side effect of using Facebook that you revert back to puberty? I have to admit I like to play a couple of those games on Facebook. I joined a group that was for that game. Mainly for finding "neighbors" and help for the game. I was on there today and good grief they were cursing each other because someone apparently did something on their land when they were visited. The way they were going on you would think that someone had stole their husband, drained their bank account, sent compromising pictures to their boss and burnt their house down. I quickly left that group. Oh well I better go and check in on Facebook ....
 Take care of yourself and Smile for me.. Jenster Out!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

I feel horrid

I have felt bad all week. I don't like to whine or complain cause I don't like to read post after post from someone who does nothing but complain so I try not to myself. So this is gonna be a whine post. You have been warned so if it bothers you skip this post. 
It started out just feeling down. Then it turned to just feeling tired and yucky. It all started Sunday evening. Now its Thursday and I feel horrid. My head is hurting so bad. My stomach is queasy. I don't feel like even playing my games on here. I don't even wanna read. I always want to read but not for the past couple of days. They checked my PT/INR was really low but that wouldn't have any effect on the way I feel. So, hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling better if not I may not even check in. So if I am not here you all have a good day.
 I hope to have some new reviews ready and etc. So take care of yourself and smile for me! Jenster Out

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Review of Killing Critics By Carol O'Connell

Killing Critics By  Carol O’Connell
                                           Spoiler Free Review
Here is the blurb about the book: Andrew Bliss, art critic pens the phrase "art terrorism" to describe the murder of artist Dean Starr. No one suspects he knows anything about a crime committed in a gallery 12 years earlier. Detective Kathy Mallory wants to reopen the case and a number of people in high places start to get nervous

  This is the 3rd in a series. I really wanted to like this series. Its alright but its very repetitive, at least a 100 pages of this book. There is only so many times you can tell me that the main character is bad-ass and so beautiful and half the characters are in love with her and she has no idea. It was released back in 1995 so some of the things that Mallory can do on the computer that is suppose to be outstanding and wow us falls a little short. Mallory is determined to do things her way and refuses to bend.
I have read the two previous books and I was hoping that I would see some sort of character development for Mallory but no such luck.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dead Drunk: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse One Beer At A Time By Richard Johnson Review

Dead Drunk: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse One Beer At A Time By Richard Johnson Review Without Spoilers
I got this book back in June for free. I am so glad that I did. I laughed my ass off!
The characters are well developed. The plot moves quickly and held my interest(which is hard to do). Dead Drunk is a great apocalypse book.It is a  combination of laughter, grief, friendships and fear. Some of the character are more likable than others. For the most part the plot moves quickly.  I would recommended this book if your looking for an end of the world with characters that you can relate to.

Monday, September 9, 2013

This Side of Forever by Jo Chandler-Book Review

I won This Side of Forever By Jo Chandler over on Goodreads. I am glad that I did. I don't think I would have picked this book out for me. I tend to shy away from YA books. Especially one where the mail character has the issue that this one does. With that said I had to finish the book when I started it. I wanted to shake Annie and give her a hug all at the same time. 
                                                            ****SPOILER ALERT****
                                        Stop reading here if you don't want some spoilers!!
Our Protagonist,Annie, is a 16 year old alcoholic. Her best friend,Lexi,and Annie were going out partying one night. They both were drinking. Annie let Lexi drive her car. As you can imagine what happens next. Yep Lexi totals the car and dies. Now Annie is wracked with survivor guilt. So, she drinks more and pushes everyone that cares from her away. It takes a very dramatic experience after a night of binge drinking before Annie finally realizes she has a problem. She realizes what her actions have done to all that people that love and care for her.
   Three quarters of the book we see Annie abuses herself.I think that the ending of the book was a little rushed.  Annie woke up from nearly dying from alcohol poisoning and decides to stop drinking. It doesn't go into her treatment or anything along those lines. It does set it up for a sequel though.
But other than that, this is a sobering book that I think parents of teenager should read along with teenagers.

A Boring Post

Another day has passed. Sometimes the days go by in a blur and then others seem to take forever to come to an end. Most of the time I can deal with being stuck in the bed. Its been over a year and half now. I know that it will be another year before I can even attempt to walk. I've always had depression/manic episodes/bi-polar take your pick what you want to call it. I think that most of the time I do fairly well. I try to put as much as I can into the household. Currently there is 10 of us here, as I mentioned in previous posts. Sometimes it feels like I am surrounded and being pulled in five different directions at the same time. I am just exhausted lately and I feel like I do nothing at all. I am sure some o f you have felt that same way. When I try to express how I feel either I can't find the right words or I end up making people mad or hurting someone feelings. So its a no win situation.
    I am also fairly certain that my daughter's cat is stalking me. She is an odd looking cat. She is white with grey strips and spots. Her tail reminds me of a possums tail. She will sit and stare at me. Then lick her lips. She will do this for hours at a time. Yeah she is just waiting for me croak so she can have a Jenster Buffet.
    This month most of my favorite TV Shows come back with new episodes. There is even a couple new shows I want to watch. NCIS , Criminal Minds,Big Bang Theory, Maybe Bones I am just not that into it anymore. I wanna check out Shield and Blacklist. That is all I can think of right now. What about you? Any good shows you think will be good?
  I will bid you adieu for now. Take care of yourself and smile for me.........

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Review The Hammer and The Blade By Pail S Kemp

  This book came out back in June of 2012. I personally loved it. The sequel, A Discourse in Steel, recently came out. I already have it on my kindle waiting on me. Back to The Hammer and The Blade. We meet are two protagonists Egil who is a Priest and Nix who is a Thief rob the tomb of an ancient entity. The dialogue between Egil and Nix is one of my favorite parts of the book. There is plenty of swords, sorcery, fight scenes and so on. It reminds of old school classic Sword & Sorcery Fantasy Book. I really don't want to give too much away. So if you like Fantasy books then go buy this one!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

I am back from pondering about..

Have you missed me rambling on and on and never saying anything? Have you missed all my grammar errors and misspelled words? All the ..... I do at the end of sentences. How silly of me of course you have! I know its hard to get through your day without a daily dose of Jenster. I am terribly sorry that I have depraved of you of me over the last week. I will try to make up for it.
I was sitting here pondering on the vast decline of our modern society. When I had a..Nah I try my best not to think of all the turmoil that goes around me in the world. I use to like to watch those 24 hour news channels on television. That did nothing to help my mental health only make it worse. So, now I get my fix for news channel in the morning on HLN. They do the same 30 minute spiel all morning long and don't go to in depth. So, I get my news dose without making myself paranoid and more depressed than normal. Believe me when I say I can't take much more crazy and still function. Ya know what I mean?
 As many know in March of 2012 when I had the "episode"  (for those that don't know kidney failure other boring health things and I died). Now I have found that I like things that I did not like before the "episode". For instance I could not stand Supreme Pizza at all. Now its my favorite. Several people have commented on some personality traits that are a bit different as well. I know that the whole thing changed me and my outlook on life in general. Things that I thought were important before now not so much. My perspective on some things have changed. Things that I use to take for granted I really miss now. What do you think? Why do you think my taste and preference for things have changed? Am I the same person I was before? I don't know at times.
Now on to more happier subject. Guess what I got in the mail today? Two books! I won them in a contest. The Side of Forever by Jo Chandler. Ms. Chandler also included a nice note. I will read and have a review up soon. I also got Keeper's Watch By Cynthia Roberts. Ms. Roberts also included a beautiful card! Squeee!! I will have a review up as soon as I read it.
 I shall bid you farewell til next time. Take care of yourself and don’t forget to Smile for me.