Thursday, September 5, 2013

I am back from pondering about..

Have you missed me rambling on and on and never saying anything? Have you missed all my grammar errors and misspelled words? All the ..... I do at the end of sentences. How silly of me of course you have! I know its hard to get through your day without a daily dose of Jenster. I am terribly sorry that I have depraved of you of me over the last week. I will try to make up for it.
I was sitting here pondering on the vast decline of our modern society. When I had a..Nah I try my best not to think of all the turmoil that goes around me in the world. I use to like to watch those 24 hour news channels on television. That did nothing to help my mental health only make it worse. So, now I get my fix for news channel in the morning on HLN. They do the same 30 minute spiel all morning long and don't go to in depth. So, I get my news dose without making myself paranoid and more depressed than normal. Believe me when I say I can't take much more crazy and still function. Ya know what I mean?
 As many know in March of 2012 when I had the "episode"  (for those that don't know kidney failure other boring health things and I died). Now I have found that I like things that I did not like before the "episode". For instance I could not stand Supreme Pizza at all. Now its my favorite. Several people have commented on some personality traits that are a bit different as well. I know that the whole thing changed me and my outlook on life in general. Things that I thought were important before now not so much. My perspective on some things have changed. Things that I use to take for granted I really miss now. What do you think? Why do you think my taste and preference for things have changed? Am I the same person I was before? I don't know at times.
Now on to more happier subject. Guess what I got in the mail today? Two books! I won them in a contest. The Side of Forever by Jo Chandler. Ms. Chandler also included a nice note. I will read and have a review up soon. I also got Keeper's Watch By Cynthia Roberts. Ms. Roberts also included a beautiful card! Squeee!! I will have a review up as soon as I read it.
 I shall bid you farewell til next time. Take care of yourself and don’t forget to Smile for me.

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