Stop reading here if you don't want some spoilers!!
Our Protagonist,Annie, is a 16 year old alcoholic. Her best friend,Lexi,and Annie were going out partying one night. They both were drinking. Annie let Lexi drive her car. As you can imagine what happens next. Yep Lexi totals the car and dies. Now Annie is wracked with survivor guilt. So, she drinks more and pushes everyone that cares from her away. It takes a very dramatic experience after a night of binge drinking before Annie finally realizes she has a problem. She realizes what her actions have done to all that people that love and care for her.
Three quarters of the book we see Annie abuses herself.I think that the ending of the book was a little rushed. Annie woke up from nearly dying from alcohol poisoning and decides to stop drinking. It doesn't go into her treatment or anything along those lines. It does set it up for a sequel though.
But other than that, this is a sobering book that I think parents of teenager should read along with teenagers.
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