Thursday, January 16, 2014

Plans for the year

Another week is coming to a close. January is almost over with and it seems just like yesterday we were welcome the New Year in. I decided to not make any resolutions. Because I knew I would end up breaking them and then feel bad because yet again another set of resolutions have been broken. So I made myself a list of goals, both small and big, that I would like to accomplish by the end of the year. Some are silly, some are practical and  some are more important than others. I tend to procrastinate. We all know this, I have not made a secret of the fact. I always have and I imagine I always will but I would really would like to work on it. To set myself deadlines and try my best to get certain tasked accomplished by the deadline. Lets see how that goes. One of those is to make sure that I post here at least three times a week. Hopefully one you will talk back to me.
I want a change in my life. They only way that is going to happen is by doing it myself. I am doing better than I have compared to this time last year. I am not just talking about health wise. I am taking about mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I am still working on everything but I think I have made some real progress both mentally and emotionally. I am still working on my spiritual well being. I am still unsure of what I do believe in and what I don't. I contradict myself in what I think I believe in. I still have a long way to go there.
I think one reason I am doing better with my mental and emotion we being is because I agreed to go back on medication for my bi-polar and multitudes of anxiety disorders ranging for mild OCD to Agoraphobia. The medicine helped with the epic highs and soul shattering downs. This is why people should never ever let me pick the paint color. Ever. I digress the medicine is helping. The right medicine. I have a new doctor and she actually listened to me. Got all of my records going back 15 years. Did lots and lots of blood work. Then took me off of three medicines, changes the strength on a couple and add a couple. So far is seems to be helping some. The darkness is being held at bay.. Kind like the meds are a moat and the evil knight can't cross the moat, but I can see it waiting to attack, always present.
  I have also decided that I would bring you all along for the ride this year. This is the part where you all yell “YAY!” See how lucky you are... just so damn lucky to be drug around by the one and only precarious and slightly demented Jenster. Yes, you are fortune indeed my friend.

 As much as it pains me to go I must for now. See you all soon my sweet friends... and yes you too lurkers... and of course my wonderful stalkers...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Black Candles By Dab Ray

This is a very short story about a witch that has been imprisoned in a papier-mache doll dressed in rags for a long time. On Halloween she has a chance to be alive in flesh and blood. She could either say a spell and set herself free or stay and be a protect an innocent life.
 This is only about 35 pages long and I had to read it twice. Perhaps it lost something in the translating from Italian to English. I didn't really care for it, but it was not horrible by any means. If you like short story where a moral decision has to be made then this is for you..
 I was given a free copy by the lovely Mr. Ray in exchange for an honest review
 Find your copy at Amazon, Black Candles By Dab Ray

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Bullet For You By Sonja Myburgh

Where should I start with this book. Jesse Matthews is supposed to be one of the best in her field, forensic photographer. I wouldn't know, she only works in the very beginning of the book. She gets attacked on her way home and is rescued by two brothers, Blaine and Drew Walker. She falls into a relationship with Drew. There are a lot of twists and turns from there till the end. Some I didn't see coming others were predictable. It was an okay read not great, but not too bad either.
 I left out a lot in this review, but if I had included anything more it would have given away a lot of spoilers. That is why the review is so bland. I couldn't say much without giving away the book.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hello friends

Where has the time flown to? Its already the __ of January. 2014. I remember when I was a kid and when I thought about the year 2012 for some reason I figured we would be living like The Jeston, complete with flying cars. Sadly I have yet to see my first flying car. I imagine it would be a bit more dangerous zippin’ through the air than driving on the ground. Especially with drivers like me :) Perhaps one day we will have our flying cars and our dogs on treadmills.
 Did you make a New Year’s Resolution? I didn’’t. Not in the sense of resolution. I did set some goals that I want to at least attempt to keep. One of those is to stay organized! Another is post here at least four times a week. Basically I wanna get my shit together and keep it that way. By the end of the day I want to feel like I actually accomplished something. So far it is not looking promising.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Witch, the Wolf and the Vampire by A K Michaels Review

I liked the intended plot. I just did not really like Peri, at least not yet. She was supposed to have run away from home at the age of 15, by the time we meet her she had been living on her own for 6 years.  She is working for a Bounty Hunter, catching his skips and he pays her half the money in cash under the radar. This is where she meets Gabe and Josef. They lend a hand when she is in a bind...and of course she ends up passing out so they take her home with them. Then from this point on she acts like an innocent scared kid when she is supposed to have had a horrible childhood, and then toughened up by her life on the streets for six years.
  I am about the farthest thing you can get from the “Grammar Police”. Now with that being said the exclamation points in this book drove me crazy. It seemed that every other sentence ending it an exclamation point.
  I will read the next book when its released though...To sum it up it’s not that bad for the first book in a series but I am not going to be on pins and needles waiting for the next one, although I will be getting it.
 Just in case you need to know I was given this book in exchange for an honest review.