Wednesday, April 30, 2014

An update and a funny...

Greetings my loyal subjects how are you all fairing on this overcast rainy dreary Wednesday? Me? Oh, I am fan-damn-tastic. It's been one of those days that I haven't spent fantasying about jabbing people with forks. I know it's not nice, but it was better than throwing things at them. Oh well tomorrow will be better, right? 
  My sister went to the Seether concert last night in Atlanta. She had a blast! She was sitting next to the stage. One of the members of the band laid down on the stage and gave her a pick. She was in Seether nirvana! Since I got her two tickets for her birthday that makes me officially THE BEST SISTER EVER! I even babysat. See I told you  that I was awesome. Did you really doubt me? 
 I have a good size list of books that need to be read and reviewed. If I owe you a review and it's been more than two weeks shoot me an e-mail. My list was misplaced last month. It may or may not have been made into paper airplanes. I have my team of skilled snoopers still looking for it. Ergo its lost and will never be found. Side note
the skilled snoopers is actual just one and she is 10 years old.
 I am sad to say that my cat, Wizzard, is a bully. Am I to blame? Could just be that he a bad-ass cat? He rules the house with an iron paw. He has marked everything that is mine, including me! None of the other cats will have  nothing to do with me for fear or retaliation. He won't share his toys or his chair. Yes, I am afraid I have raised a bully. He is adorable though isn't he?
 Yes that couch is an uncomfortable as it is ugly. Its that way for a reason. It is statistically proven that if someone is uncomfortable they will not stay long. 
 Work is coming along fine. I get annoyed some but it's mainly because I am upset with myself.
 Health wise.. Nothing really to report. Another infection. Another round of antibiotics. No feeling in parts of my legs and other parts hurt worse than just about anything I have ever experienced in my life. Sometimes even a sheet is too painful to touch my legs. I am not where I wanted to be by this time. I know "they" say I have come farther than they ever thought, but it's still not where I want to be. The thought of leaving the house still terrifies me. The panic attacks are still bad. I can handle visitors for a bit longer now. Trying to pretend to be sane is one of the hardest things I have ever tried to accomplish. I think I am 50/50 on passing for "normal".
 There is the update on me.. I will leave you with something I found funny....Take care of yourself. Smile for me. See ya next time...

Monday, April 28, 2014

Reed by Allison Saltz

Reece Reed has her fair share of baggage. After an abusive childhood and a less than ideal love life she tends to keep people at arm’s length. When she is hired by the FBI she accepts hesitantly, knowing this will mean fostering relationships with coworkers. As she develops new equipment to investigate crime scenes, she also develops relationships with those around her. she begins to let her walls down and let herself believe she may be able to have a normal life. Just when she starts to think true love may be within her reach, her dark past comes back to haunt her. Will she ever be able to live without looking over her shoulder?
Reed is an inspirational story about overcoming obstacles. It contains crime, romance, drama, action, and snarky sarcastic dialogue. Witty and compelling, if you are looking for a good read, then read Reed.

Reece Reed is strong flawed, protagonist. She was severely abused by the man she thought was her father. She worked hard to get out of the abusive environment to end up in a marriage that was even worse. Then one of her only childhood friends offer her a job with the FBI on a special task force. That is when she meets the man who brings her out of her shell and shows her just how strong she truly is.
  If you have read any of my reviews you know how much I hate “insta-love”. You also know I am not really big on reading romance novels. This novel does not have “insta-love” The relationship takes time to build, making it seem more realistic. I laughed out loud and I even cried in a scene or two. I was appalled and even felt proud when Reed made progress in making friends.

  A lot of Reed’s past is told in flashbacks. I really do not like flashbacks. The writing was good, a bit choppy in a couple places, but the story is worth sticking it out. This is about coming from less than humble condition and rising above it to have a happy ever after.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


I was sitting here just letting my mind wonder, one of my favorite things to do to pass the time. I was thinking how much different my life is now than it was ten years ago. I was still living hard, for lack of a better word. It kind of boggles my mind at the things that have changed in my life in the last ten years, as well as some things have never changed. At times I miss my old life, or at least the fun parts. I don’t miss the hangovers, lost time, paranoia or trying to stay one step ahead of everyone else.
  I have loved and lost over the years, as I am sure you have as well. I have had really good friends, fair weather friends and backstabbing they can kiss me ass friends. One thing that still remains to the same today as it did then is that I keep fighting through the never ending darkness. If it weren’t for Matt and Mandy I am not sure I would not have  made this far or continue to fight. The are the light at the end of the metaphysical black tunnel that seems to engulf my soul. My simple unconditional love for them keeps me here and wanting to make it another day.
  They both have had and will continue to have battles of their own to conquer. It does sadden me knowing that some of those battles were handed down from me. I know they are stronger than they think and will come out the other side suivors. They have already accomplished more than I did at their age and I hope they continue to flourish and not let their demons hold them back as mine did me.
  On that note I will go for the day.. Take care of yourself and smile for me.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Blood Slaves By N.L. Hoffmann Review

In the vampire world the Covert has been around for hundreds of years. They take girls off the streets and then sell them to vampires who are looking to “collect” women for unpleasant purposes. It is a nasty business but vampires see humans as objects so buying one from the Covert is like adding another car to your collection. It wasn’t uncommon to hear another girl go missing off the streets, but when girls from well-known families begin to disappear, the Supernatural Crime Division begins to take notice.

Blake Noble is assigned by her superior to investigate the disappearance of his niece and to take down the Covert. Blake being the daughter of Lucifer and a famous vampire mother uses her abilities to survive through the investigation. Between demon lessons from her father and falling for the Deputy Director she tries to find a way to take down a several hundred year old business. Only she soon realizes people she trusted are involved.

Blake Noble is a half vampire, half demon with a little witch thrown in for good measure. When we first meet her she is working for the SCD, Supernatural Crime Division and is going undercover to find out who kidnapped her boss’s niece. From there she gets betrayed,  discovers new powers, gets kidnapped,kicks some ass,reconnects with an old friend,falls in love, meets her father, who just happens to be Lucifer.
  What did I think about Blood Slaves? If you have had read any of my reviews you know I am not a fan of the “insta-love” aspect. Which we have in this book. Though Blake didn't go overboard like a lot characters tend to do, that he wasn't the only thing that mattered to her. Blake is independent, strong willed, snarky and has more courage at times than common sense. She tends to barrel into situations without being prepared. I felt that about half way through the book it was a bit rushed. I thought that something that needed more explaining was brushed over. Even with all of that I finished the book in one sitting. It kept my attention and I am looking forward to the next book in the series.