I have a very eccentric family. We are not dysfunctional,at least I don't consider us to be broken. The definition of dysfunctional is not operating normally or properly. I don't think that describes us. We work well together for the most part. I have had guests come over and they later described us as crazy and in the gripes of insanity. Who says "
in the gripes of insanity"
? That we were loud,argumentative,destructive,odd,impulsive and rowdy. Some even said dangerous and would not allowed their children to come back. I have even heard rumors that I held secret sex orgies. Really people? Come on if I was having orgies they defiantly would not be secret.
There would photographs and video.
Some of those descriptions are correct. Yes we are loud. Yes we are rowdy. Its not that we are argumentative we have heated discussion,often ending in a agreement to disagree. Destructive. Yeah I guess that is an apt description. We have been known to demolish things just to see how they work. Impulsive. That one is about half way correct. Some of us are impulsive, others make lists and plan things out for days before we even begin to do tasks. I am one of the list makers. I even make a list for my lists.
We all have different personalities. Right now there is ten of us living here. Yes ten. No I do not have eight children. Two was enough for me. I have told you all before who lives here. You can go check out this blog post for a refresher. I know I am awesome. You're welcome.
Back to the personality rainbow. We have shy, avoids confrontation and is reserved. We have outspoken,loud and a stick in the mud. We have an egomaniac, narcissist and fearless. We have one that is a young adult trying to find her way. Three young ones including a young teen and one that in a couple months will be a teenager. Some of us are creative, artistic and imaginative. A couple of us are geniuses. Then you have me. :-) I know that is a lot of different personalities that are smashed together in one house. Somehow we all work together.