Sunday, February 2, 2014

Shaman, Healer, Heretic (Olivia Lawson, Techno-Shaman #1) by M. Terry Green

 I was wanting something to read to pass the time before I went to bed last night so I loaded it up on my Kindle and found Shaman, Healer, Heretic. Perhaps I should have waited for the morning because I couldn't go to bed until I seen how the book ended. I like novels about Shamans and thought this was an interesting take on them. I don't recall reading about Techno-Shamans before, what an original idea. Although the rest of the book was predictable, I enjoyed reading it. Well written and imaginative. The story does have action, adventure, betrayal, muggers and gods with a bit naive standing up for what she believes in a heroine.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

"Hateful Burden - Book One of the Carrier Trilogy" by Natalie Gibson

I finished Hateful Burden a couple days ago. I wanted to wait to write my review. I was really engrossed in Ramillia's world. Ms. Gibson had my undivided attention from page one till the conclusion. It has been quiet a while since that has happened. I am not going to say a whole lot about what goes in the book because I do not want to spoil any of the story
We first meet Ramillia when she awakens in an insane asylum and has no memory how she got there or how long she has been there. Ramilla goes from being in depraved conditions with unspeakable things done to her body and mind to being released and living in the lap of luxury where it gets even worse.
Ramillia is such a strong woman, not many people could withstand all the she went through without becoming completely broken in mind, spirit and body. She over comes all the trauma in her life and well you will have to read the book to find out.

Ms. Gibson's writing and knowledge of the time period is spot on without a doubt. There are only a couple books in this era that I like and for me to not only like it be to be consumed by this wickedly delicious novel speaks for itself.

Phoenix By Thea Atkinson

I normally don't read short novellas. This one caught my eye, though. After I read the blurb I knew I would regret not checking it out. I was right. This is a good start to a series that I am going to anxiously wait to devour. I tend to like darker books with a strong female lead that is flawed. I have that in Phoenix
We first meet Theda eight months after the end of the world and God has came and went. Everyone that is left does all they can do just get make it through the day. The only thing that is not allowed is religion of ANY kind. Theda is a drug addict with a gift that is going to be her death. I am not going to say any more, you will have to read it to find out what happens.

Ms. Atkinson writing is smooth and left me wanting more.