Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A quick hello

 I have been sick and stuck my head the past few days. I have come to terms that I am not completely sane. My nightmares are so vivid its hard sometimes to tell what is real and what isn't. One of my biggest fears is that there will come a day when I can no longer grasp reality. Inside my head is not the place I want to be stuck. No thanks, I will pass on that ride.
  What have I been up to? I have done a few book reviews, beta read several books and watched way too much television. Only one more episode of Game of Thrones. Then it's time for the last season of True Blood. As long as  Joe Manganiello, a.k.a  Alcide Herveaux shows lots of skin I will be happy. There is just something about that man that brings out the horny slut in me.
 Time for subject change before I overheat. There is the strange squirrel that lives in my backyard. I have named him Sam. Don't judge me. He sneaks across the road. I find it hilarious. Wanna see? Here is your funny for the day..
Check out Sam

  I got lots of books to read and review so I bid you adieu for the day. Do not worry your pretty little head I will be back soon to shower you with my attention. Till then think of me .. Smile.