Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A very boring post

 It's another year already. Where has the time gone? It seems the older I get, the quicker time flies by. I decided not to make any resolutions this year. I never actually follow through with them anyway. I decided to stop making goals that I know that I will never get around to completing. So, I guess in a way I did in fact make a resolution. 
  I have had the flu. It's been horrid. I finally feel a little better. I still feel fairly bad, but I am getting better. Hopefully I will be back  to normal soon. I really don't like being sick at all. I get exhausted at nothing it seems. 
  The weather is suppose to turn cold this week. It is going to be 9° tomorrow. That is fracking cold! Good thing I won't be out in it huh? I feel for those that are gonna be outside. At least it's not gonna snow. 
  I got several reviews to do and post so look for those. I will also be having a contest coming up for a 25 dollar Amazon gift card.
Until then, take care of yourself and Smile. 

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